Isomorphism: ∀a,b∈G,φ:G→G′,φ(ab)=φ(a)φ(b)⟹φ is bijective, then φ is a isomorphism.
G is isomorphic to G′ note as G≅G′
Any group is isomorphic to itself (reflexive)
G≅G′⟹G′≅G (symmetric)
G≅H,H≅F⟹G≅F (transitive)
a bijective function φ:G→G is isomorphism ⟹φ is an automorphism of G
- the set of all automorphisms of G denote as Aut(G)
any isomorphism is a homomorphism (but not vice versa)
G≅Zn, we define its rank rk(G)=n
Prove Structure for isomorphism:
- Define φ:G→G′, ∀a,b∈G,φ(ab)=φ(a)φ(b)
- φ is bijective
- Prove (R,0,+)≅(R+,1,⋅)
- Let φ:R→R+ where φ(x)=ex,φ(x+y)=ex+y=exey=φ(x)φ(y)
- let x,y∈R s.t. ex=ey then x=y⟹ injective
- let y∈R+,∃ln(y)∈R,φ(ln(y))=y⟹ surjective
- then φ is isomorphism and (R,0,+)≅(R+,1,⋅)
Isomorphism Property
let φ:G→G be isomorphism :
- ∀g∈G,ord(g)=ord(φ(g))
- ϕ carries the identity of G to the identity of G
- G is cyclic ⟺ G is cyclic (i.e. G=⟨g⟩⟺G=⟨φ(g)⟩)
- G is abelian ⟺ G is abelian (i.e For any elements a and b in G, a and b commute if and only if ϕ(a) and ϕ(b) commute)
- ∀g∈G,CG(g)≅CG(φ(g))
- If G is finite, then G and G have exactly the same number of elements of every order
- if K≤G, then ϕ(K)≤G
If such φM(A)=MAM−1, we call φM conjugation by M.
Cayley's Theorem: Every (finite) group is isomorphism to a group of permutation
Cayley's Theorem
Every (finite) group is isomorphism to a group of permutation
An isomorphism φ:G→G is called an automorphism of G.
Let G be a group, a∈G. The function ϕa,s.t.,∀x∈G,ϕa(x)=axa−1 is called the inner automorphism of G induced by a.
The set of automorphisms of G is denoted by Aut(G) and the set of inner automorphisms of G is denoted by Inn(G). They are both groups under operation of composition.
For every positive integer n, Aut(Zn)≅U(n)